Professional Email - URL Specific
A url specific email address looks professional and Google prefers it. AND It's very affordable and easy to access. Host your own email address like or The staff here at GilliCole Domains highly recommend url specific email addresses offered in the Email Ultimate Business package. Save money year after year with these cheap email service products:
Company Email Addresses
Many people don't realize how important Url specific email addresses are for their business and its staff. The most important factor is the impression it leaves on the emails' recipients. It's hard to stand out in email communications, that is the nature of communicating without the variables that show personality and tone. The email address is one of the first things seen with every email sent and it identifies the sender. An email address unique to your business's website leaves the best impression. Even more so with the new Top Level Domains (TLD) that are trendy and modern
Professional email addresses improve the success of your company's message via Email Marketing Campaigns. They are an affordable improvement on your internet footprint and promote for your domain with every email. At prices so low, its a great idea!